I give up. I want to blog more, but I know until I MAKE that a priority in my work and make the effort to schedule time to actually upload photos and try to use some of my creativity in the actual writing of a blog post, it is not going to magically happen. I want a beautiful blog and I’d love to be able to share something a few times a week, but blogging is a challenge for me. And I know that it is how I set my work priorities and that I need to put my self and my own ‘brand’ in front of all other work commitments, but I never seem to manage it.
I do enjoy all the other work I do as well. I have been putting time into creating works of art that are (and some that will be) on display at my studio in downtown Fort Pierce at Orange Avenue Studios. And yes, I know I need to create a detailed blog post about my studio as well as the unique building of artists we have there. (anyone interested in bartering as a virtual blogger for me 😉 ) I have a few shows coming up and I’ve been working to finish a few pieces for those.
I also have been busy working for others. I don’t promote that side of me as often, because when I work for a company, I want to promote their work and business, but I realize that sharing what I do is another form of promoting them and I can do so without making it ‘all about me’.
I’ve been working with Susan K Weckesser for two years now. Can I just say first of all that I adore this woman – as a soul sister, a friend, and a designer?! I have been working with her as her Design Team Coordinator and have the privilege of also calling her friend. You’ll never hear this woman say a bad thing about anyone. She sees the good in everyone and everything about her, even when facing trials and challenges most of us would be completely overwhelmed by. And, Susan K Wekesser has a brand new design team that will start sharing projects again next month. You will find her works of art and her team to always be uplifting, inspiring, and inspirational.
I am also the Design Team Coordinator for The Crafter’s Workshop. I have to admit I was so honored (ok…jumping for joy) when they contacted me and asked if I would consider organizing their FIRST-EVER Design Team! I mean…it’s THE CRAFTER’S WORKSHOP. I have a ‘bucket list’ of manufacturers that I want to work with and this one was at the top of the list. Seriously! And to help organize their first design team has been amazing. We had almost 200 applicants from all over the world apply. We had a small committee that reviewed all the applications and helped narrow it down, but I know it was a tough decision, and I was so glad I didn’t have to make those decisions all by myself. I am super excited about the team I will be working with. There are a few familiar faces I have had the honor of working with before and there are some ‘new to me’ designers that I get to work with and get to know. This whole team is so creatively talented, I cannot wait to see what they do.
I also get to work with other companies creating blog posts, project samples, project displays, or just play with their products. Some of the other really awesome companies I’ve had the pleasure of working with have been Walnut Hollow, Canvas Corp, Prima Bead, ILoveToCreate, PanPastel, Craft Attitude, ImpressArt, DecoArt, and many more.
One most recent company I’ve worked with is actually another ‘bucket list’ manufacturer. I have been asked to work with Sizzix as an educator here in Florida and hopefully a few other things. Hopefully more information about this will be coming soon. I also had the privilege of representing Sizzix at a local Scrapbook Expo in Orlando working with It’s Cheaper than Therapy in their booth. It was so much fun to meet scrapbookers from Florida and some who traveled in just to attend the Expo in Orlando. It was a pleasure working with It’s Cheaper Than Therapy. ps…they are a great place to buy Sizzix supplies online.
So, you see, I have been busy, and I work with some amazing companies. I love my job(s). I love working with companies who appreciate the work that I do, respect me as a Professional Designer in the industry, and are good companies. I am proud to represent all the companies I am working with, and that makes my job even more gratifying.
I am working on some new workshops that may be coming Fall 2014 and definitely by Spring of 2015! So, stay tuned. In the meantime, if I don’t blog as often, find me on Facebook at Cheryl’s window Facebook Page or come visit me at my studio in historic downtown Fort Pierce, where you can find me most days!
You’re too hard on yourself. There are just so many hours in a day! Die hard fans like me will wait patiently for your next blog. We understand. Creating great art like yours takes time.
I know exactly what you mean! It’s so hard to keep up with blogging when you have so many other wonderful things on your plate! So happy for you – those companies are lucky to have you!
With all that you do, it’s not surprising that you find it hard to find the time to blog. You are always accessible to everyone though no matter how busy you are and that is appreciated 10 fold!