There are hundreds (OK thousands) of posts explaining what Twitter is and how to use it. This post is NOT a tutorial about how to use Twitter. However, I still have friends and family asking how me to simplify what Twitter is and why I am using it.
I am just starting to really understand and regularly use Twitter. I shunned the poor little bird for a long time and put off learning how to use it. I’ve had some wonderful friends teach me how to use it as well as one fabulous Social Media Coach, Theresa Cifali. Now, I find myself a real Twitter convert and loving Twitter. Even as large as it is, I feel like I’m making some great connections (aka friends) on Twitter and meeting some really neat people who I wouldn’t have been able to find on Facebook. So, here is what I’m telling my friends and family and someone mentioned I should share with others that may also be asking the same questions.
Twitter is another social media platform. It is fast with each post limited to a maximum of 140 characters, so we must be more specific and concise with what we say. However, sometimes that is a good thing lately. Facebook is very social and I love being on Facebook, but sometimes I want information quick, or I want to engage with many people/companies about a specific topic or with people of similar interests. I can do this quickly on Twitter. One thing that makes this possible is the one thing that seems most confusing– ‘twitter speak’. I’m asked what those symbols mean when tweeting. The easiest way I explain it is:
# is a hash-tag – this is simply a way to create topics or keywords. If you want to find people discussing scrapbooking, you could search #scrapbooking and find lots of posts that refer to scrapbooking.
@ is how you find and/or tag a specific tweeter. If you write a post and type @cherylboglioli in the post, I will see the post, even if I’m not following you. Your followers will also see your post in which you tagged me.
RT – is a Retweet. I say it’s almost the same as clicking the “like” button on Facebook. It moves the post back up to the top of your queue and let’s me know you retweeted my post. It shares the original tweet with all of your followers.
The links shared are shortened with various url shorteners so they don’t take up so many character spaces. These still work like any hyperlink and will take you to the post or picture the tweet is referencing.
That is my explanation of Twitter in an eggshell. As I said, this is not an in-depth Twitter explanation. It’s simplifying some basic Twitter terminology that can be overwhelming to those not yet using Twitter or brand new to it. I’d love to hear your comments and connect with you on Twitter. You can find me at @cherylboglioli
Thanks for stopping by today,
Cheryl, love your blog look- so nice and clean! And great explanation of Twitter. Now to get in the habit of actually doing it- I seem to go in spurts… Have a good weekend!
Cheryl – this is a wonderfully simple explanation of twitter for the user lost in the twittersphere. I am going pass this on to my friends who are hesitant to try the twitter waters. Also – your new banner is lovely!!!
Susan, I would really appreciate that. I’ve had enough interest and questions, that I think I’m going to create a Twitter Simplified Series. And thank you for the comment on the new look.
Thank you for posting for your Twitter stupid friend! 🙂 Question (I know, I know), how do you shorten the urls in Twitter?
That is a great question, Katie. And you are not Twitter stupid. My Dad always said there is a difference between being stupid and ignorant. Ignorant means you just don’t know …YET. You are learning as am I. To answer your question simply, Twitter will automatically shorten any url now and limit it to 20 characters using it’s shortening service. However, this is such a good question, I think I’ll work on creating another post about url shorteners and some options. For now, Twitter will shorten them automatically when you type them in.
Hi Cheryl,
I LOVE this post! As you know, I’m fairly new to Twitter and learning a lot as I go. Thank you so much for making it so simple. I am starting to love Twitter too!
I’m so glad, Lisa. You all have so boosted my confidence today.
Super post! Once you know the basics of twitter – it really is pretty easy. I started using it a few years ago – drifted away and recently came back with a fresh attitude. (I also like using hootsuite as a tool to see both twitter and facebook so I don’t miss anything – they both can move pretty quickly)
Thank you so much Pammie~k. I would be lost without tools such as Hootsuite, no doubt!
I love this!!! I had always wondered with the deal was with # and @, etc. This helped clear it up – hope you do a part 2 to this as I’d love to find out how you use it in your business and and tips or tricks you’ve learned along the way!!!
I’m so glad, Carisa! I was debating whether to post this or not, but now I’m glad I did. Hmm, a part 2? I might just do that and offer some other things I’ve learned.
I too, am becoming a Twitter convert. The platform is a lot of fun and extends our social circles. Great post today Cheryl
Thank you, Erika. It is fun and has helped me meet some new friends I wouldn’t have found, otherwise.
I agree with Theresa; this is a great post. I’m beginning to like Twitter more and more each day and for reasons very similar to yours. This post gives me added incentive to build on what I’m already doing. Thank you, Cheryl!
Thank you, Peggy. I’m so glad we are connected on Twitter too and I think you are already doing great.
Hi Cheryl. This is a great post. I think it is so important that you shared your reasons as to why you have started to love Twitter. As you mentioned, there is a lot of content out there about Twitter, but for those that haven’t made the jump onto Twitter or have inactive account, this posts definitely speaks to them with a real account of a peer’s experience. Also…thank you so much for the mention here. I’m so flattered! Love seeing your growth. Theresa
Thank you so much, Theresa. I know it’s basic info, but hopefully it will help some people find Twitter a little more exciting and be willing to give it a try. And you are SO WELCOME. You have been a huge help to me.