And all through the house, everyone was stirring, even the spouse. The stocking were removed from the entertainment center with care, in hopes that tomorrow, they wouldn’t be there.
I think you get the point. Ornaments are repacked and lights are down. Even our moose made if off the lawn, though he is still standing in the garage until he’s disassembled. In keeping with wrapping up Christmas here and putting the house back in order, I figured it was really about time for me to upload my tags from Tim Holtz 12 Tags of Christmas. I am so glad that I took the extra time to make these. Again, I really had fun (which is all that matters) and I learned some great techniques which I hope I can find little ways to incorporate into some scrapbook pages this year! I can’t for this year’s tags.
These are gorgeous. Really loving Tim Holtz, I am going to have to start spending some more $$$ I see. LOL. Great job!
Yours tags are awesome!
Oh, the colors really POP. Hard to see that on chat. 🙂
You really did an amazing job with these tags….
These are wonderful 🙂
I’m glad you posted the pictures. The tags are beautiful.