OK, OK! The whole trip wasn’t the Trip of Unfortunate Events. A lot was really good. However, I’m noticing that poor Glinda is coming apart. The inside window frame keeps falling out and the door is even worse. Let’s just make it home, OK?
Visit to New England
I always look forward to my visits with Katie. Katie and I have been friends for too many years to remember now. They lived in Florida when our little girls were in preschool and we both taught at the same preschool. We were always together. If we weren’t at their house, they were at ours. Then they moved away. We try to see each other once a year if possible.
This year I got to spend a week with her and she was able to take some time off work so we could spend a day antiquing and just hanging out doing girls stuff!
We always make time to go eat at The Maine Diner while I’m there. The Lobster casserole is so yummy.
I wish Glinda had the room and I had the money to buy all the really cool retro turquoise stuff we found. I would LOVE to have that dinette in my house actually. 🙂
We were cracking up over all the hedgehog stuff I was able to spot. Though I think she was really starting to think I was a freak. She puts up with me though.
It was really sweet to have somewhere that I felt at home on Mother’s Day. I miss my family much, but if I had to be apart from them for Mother’s Day, I’m glad I had my second family to spend it with. Katie’s dear hubby, Scott, treated us all day with mimosa’s at breakfast, and then a class Maine Lobster dinner complete with margaritas!
It’s always sad to leave, but it’s time to get back on the road, start teaching again, and start heading south. Next part is my trip to Massachusetts so follow along and come back as we start heading towards home.
Poor Glinda is getting tired… But you got to see your friend and so happy that was a good thing , coming down south..