Our Tuesday Treat today is brought to us by Sassy Lady and her Gypsy Woman. She has created a wonderful treat to share with us in the form of a gorgeus shopping bag. She’s bringing us bags with lots of sass, trim, bling, and style. I want the Alligator bag. 🙂 Click on the link to her blog too, because this gal has plenty of inspiration to share.
Please make sure you take a stroll over to Tuesday Treats and see her creation. I hope it inspires you to create something of your own and that you’ll share it with us. Don’t forget to leave her some love and encouragement. A lot of time and energy goes into the creation of these designs and then the time it takes to put it together in a format to share with everyone. And check out the Forum while there so that you can discuss the newest creation of the week.
Stay tuned, mine is next week and I’ve got to now get it ready to post. (where is the little smiley biting his nails when you need him?)
Thanks for stopping by.
Hey Jeannie, theses wire dress forms came from Ross, but you might be able to find them at any place that may have home decor items. Ross had quite a few different types when I went in. Maybe try a Marshall’s or TJ Max??
Thanks for the compliments on the blog! Can’t wait for you to get your E and start playing.
Cheryl…I just love your site…I love the card you made your dh…so neat…BUT my favorite thing is your little dress holder…how would i go about finding one…is there a certain name to look for? I have been looking for something like that forever…Thank you for all your help and directions to wonderful other sites…I could stay on them forever but alas there are other things to do right? I will be getting my expression in about a week…Hugs Jean in ohio