I just received a ton of pics from my Dad. (this is not even all of them. These are not for me to keep and I haven’t decided if that is a good thing or a bad thing. What I am going to do with these is #1, get them in better storage. I’ve already started to a degree. All those photos in the white box up front came out of a corrugated cardboard box and a Whitman’s Chocolate box. Many are stored in envelopes that have already been chewed on by some hungry paper/glue bugs. Yuck… Some photos are in some good Pioneer albums (good), while some are I those sticky magnetic album. Paula, I’m going to be needing some more Undu to get these out safely. Some are under a piece of glass. They were originally in frames, but the pictures have now been stuck to the glass. I’m going to try to use Undu on those too, but am open for any suggestions here. I have prints of all sizes as well as negatives. I don’t even know what size these negatives are as they are not 35 mm. The problem is that we don’t even know who most of these people are, they are apparently relatives, but…..
Once I get them all into some better archival quality, I am going to start scanning these and trying to keyword them with any information I do know. I’m looking for a good scanner that will scan prints with a high resolution as well as negatives. Do you have any recommendations? We’re going to try to visit some elderly relatives with all my pics and see if we can put some names, times, and places with most of them too. This will be an ongoing project for me and I’m excited, but a little overwhelmed as well. These photos are priceless. Looking at them makes me appreciate all the steps I am currently taking to preserve my photos, but also making me realize I need to take more EVERYDAY CANDID shots. I tell myself this all the time, and still haven’t gotten good at that.
I’ll let you know how this bit of my heritage preservation goes.
I will see how you organize and pick up tips from you.
For the magnetic album, I have heard that if you stick it in a warm car, or something of the sort, that should loosen the glue. I have also heard dental floss works. I have never used Undu with photos (just it on stickers) and you have some great old ones there. Make sure it won’t damage those wonderful photos.
Your project is a lot of work. I started one. But my grandmother didn’t like how long it was taking me and I had to give them back. I never finished it. It will be worth it in the end!! Have fun!! It will be fun learning the stories behind the photos!!
I got a bunch from my parents last year. I’ve been slowly scanning and scrapping some. There’s something about the actual paper on the photo that I don’t want to destroy. I don’t want to mount them on anything because most have writing on the back with the persons handwriting. I sat with my parents and had them go through what they could to tell me who was who and I put post it notes on the backs so I would have it. Too bad my grandparents are gone or I would have more info 🙁