I have been saving for a new camera and was finally able to upgrade mine. I got a great deal, saved money with reward coupons and rewards earned, and even got a gift card so that I could buy extra lens. I will admit that I switched over! I had an older Canon and moved up to a Nikon D90. And so far, I am loving it, but I have SOOOOO much to learn yet.
So, today, Sage and I took it out for a spin. I hope that you and I both can look back in months and see the improvement in my pictures and over the next few months, see a great improvement in my photographer skills as well. This first pic of her, I love – but them I’m a little biased! She doesn’t like it because her hair is all windblown. We were frustrated because once we got out, we were suddenly under a severe thunderstorm warning, so the lighting was not the best, but I was impressed with the picture quality I was still able to achieve with very minimal editing (more for exposure that I’m still working on).
This is a land crab; NOT something you want to eat. There are times when these guys are EVERYWHERE; walking through the traffic in major highways (getting ran over), crawling through your back yard terrorizing your dogs, and just all over the place.
So, nothing really crafty today, but some good quality time with my daughter and a fun day to play. Thanks for looking at my photos and …
Thanks for stopping by.
Congratulations on your new camera. Your photo’s are beautiful. I even showed them to my husband, he enjoys photography too.
Your daughter is such a pretty girl!!!
The pictures are all nice; looks like your new camera is going to work out just great!
How much fun is that?!! You are going to be able to take some amazing photos with your new toy!! Gorgeous daughter btw!!
Barb 🙂
Your daughter is beautiful!!! I think the crab is a realy cutie! TFS.
Cher, your daughter is beautiful!!! and the other pics were great too, must admit i loved the colour of the violet crab!! very striking (in more ways than one it sounds like!)
I am not a pro on photography but your photos with the new camera look very good to me. One day I will get one good camera too. 🙂
She is beautiful!!!! I hope you love your Nikon, I have a D40 and LOVE IT!!! I traded up from a smaller one about 2 years ago, but I LOVE NIKON. Your pictures are stunning!!!! Thank you for sharing!!!!!
love that first photo, very natural.She is a beautiful girl. I am a Canon girl, I have the EOS 400D, no clue how to use it properly though. I do intend to go on a photography course at some point in time.