Quick card today. The tag reads, “Enjoy Yourself and Pay Them No Mind”. Just loved that phrase. I finished this card a few weeks ago, but didn’t get to share until now. I made it for my friend, Susan’s, birthday. And I never mailed it because we were supposed to get together and one thing after another kept happening for all of us. We finally got a chance to go out for dinner tonight and I was able to give her my card in person.
It was great to go out with girlfriends and just talk and laugh together. We keep saying that we need to make time for that more often, but….
Here is a pic of Susan and I. I added a filter to the photo, so don’t panic girls, I’ll send you a photo without the filter!
And Jackie was sitting across from us. I should have had someone take a picture of us all three together.
Until next time, thanks for stopping by,
Great Picture of you Cheryl! Lookin good! Love the card and I’m sure your friend did too!
Tracy V
Hi, Cher!!! What a beautiful card and so is the one from Challenge 35 Crop Stop — really love that one too!
Great pictures; looks like a fun time!
You all look wonderful. Looks like a very relaxing evening chllin with friends.
I have mad photography skill ;P