Yes, I know this is really late now, so slap me on my wrist. I just got so overwhelmed at Thanksgiving and actually finished these the night before, that I have not had the chance to take pictures, upload the gypsy file and update my blog for you before Thanksgiving. Nevertheless, maybe you can save it or bookmark this for next year.
I had an absolutely wonderful Thanksgiving. Lots of family and the dinner came out perfect. The only thing I messed up was burning the toasted walnuts for the salad. No big deal. My turkey was the BEST turkey I have ever cooked. This year I tried brining it and will definitely do that again. My menu was extensive and everyone was full, but of course, no one ate enough or took enough home because I was left with lots of leftovers. That’s OK, my house smells wonderfully like my delicious Turkey vegetable ‘clean the fridge’ soup, which is in the big roaster oven now. I’ll freeze that and have soup ready for last minute meals.
Since I had so many coming (for me) that I had an adult and kids table for the first time, I decided to try to make some place cards for the table. I considered a pumpkin or pilgrim hat, but had this little turkey flying around in my head. I was able to finally design him on my Gypsy. It took just a little trial and error so that he would balance and stand on his own, but it came out so cute in the end.
I used the turkey from Stretch You Imagination and a little pointy oval and a rectangle from Don Juan. I used the shadow for the turkey and welded the rectangle to the feet. I then flipped the image up and down and welded the two sets together. The body and layers were added for both sides. For the large tail feathers, I stretched the oval shape, copied, rotated, and welded. I also added the names using Gypsy font, but you could use any font for the names and just size to make it fit on the feathers. I took each image and copied it onto another page in my Gypsy so that I could duplicate as many as I needed. I needed to sit 13 people. You can do the same. I also imported the file into CDS studio so that I could use the ‘hide contour’ feature to hide all but the wattle and snood so I could cut those in red cardstock.

Thanks for stopping by.
Thank you Cheryl, this I will use next year! TFS
Those are adorable! Good job!
These are so cute! Thank you for sharing.
very cute
Oh Cher your turkeys are absolutely adorable. You did a fantastic job on them.
They are darn cute! I can’t believe you found the time to “whip” these up. Kudos to you!