Today was an awesome mail day. The mail man (yes, today it was a guy, usually it is a gal) came to my door bearing gifts this afternoon. So, I thought I’d share with you what came.
Cheryl, Great Haul, have fun playing with all your goodies. It’s funny I was just looking at all my comments on my blog, you had left me a comment quite a while ago, about the crochet’d flowers. I’m sorry I never got back with you, do you still want directions? You might not want them after all the flowers you just got. Ha! If you want directions, e-mail me your address and I’ll send you the flowers and directions. They are still sitting out and I said I’d pass them on to a friend, better late than never? My e-mail is: My blog address is: I’ll be glad to send them out if you send me your address. Shari
Happy Birthday 🙂 Seems you will have a lot to play with over the next days!
my blog:
Cheryl, Great Haul, have fun playing with all your goodies.
It’s funny I was just looking at all my comments on my blog, you had left me a comment quite a while ago, about the crochet’d flowers. I’m sorry I never got back with you, do you still want directions? You might not want them after all the flowers you just got. Ha! If you want directions, e-mail me your address and I’ll send you the flowers and directions. They are still sitting out and I said I’d pass them on to a friend, better late than never? My e-mail is:
My blog address is:
I’ll be glad to send them out if you send me your address. Shari
Lots of fabulous goodies! Tim’s book looks pretty cool, too. I know you’ll share some of the applications you try from it. 🙂