Now’s your chance to learn a little about me. I was thinking today about how much of my life, even my scrapworld, revolves around technology.
My dh is a computer genius and builds databases for a hobby, but deals with finance for a living. He makes sure our house is wired – from our TV system and sound system to our wireless (and wired) internet throughout the house. Even our printers are wireless and I can print to almost any printer from anywhere in the house or back yard. He can even hook up my Cricut to print wirelessly from CDS, but I find myself using my Gypsy almost all the time, so haven’t needed it ..yet. The whole family here has either an Iphone or a smart phone. My daytime job is working on a computer all day. I’m so blessed that I can work from home as a Medical Transcriptionist, but when I’m working, I’m plugged into a Dictaphone headset and parked in front of a computer for hours.
When I’m not working, I may be in the kitchen and I like my techy gadgets there too, ask any of my friends.
If I’m not in the kitchen or playing Wii with the family, you’ll more than likely find me in my craft room. Here is a whole new zone for tech. My laptop is housed there and I’m wired to the internet. I love that I can catch up on my favorite blogs and see so much inspiration. My favorite part might be what is becoming my daily ‘chat’ with my gf, Katie. We became friends when she lived in Florida, but now she’s far away. We really missed hanging out and chatting regularly. Now, however, we can video chat together – have a morning cup of coffee together or an evening glass of wine together and just chat about our day or week and and we also video scrap together quite often. Today, she was able to be a sounding board for a project I am working on and let me talk my ideas outloud. Oh, and my project was on my sidekick tech toy, my Gypsy (still nameless). While chatting, I was able to do some test cuts on my Cricut (more tech) and show her right away and get her opinion. This whole time, she was filing layouts in her new albums! It was a great morning chat with my friend.
I’m also a new tweeter. Didn’t think I would ever tweet, but I found that it is a great way to stay up-to-date on the latest news from around the world and keep up-to-date on new products from my favorite manufacturers and even new deliveries to my LSS. Through Twitter, I almost felt like I was at CHA this week.
I stay connected with family and friends on Facebook and was able to wish my nephew a Happy Birthday while chatting with him this evening.
I can vacuum my floors with my IRobot Roomba, laundry will beep to tell me it is ready to be switched, and the stove beeps to tell me dinner is ready. I feel like I’m Jane Jetson most days, and I LOVE it. I just wish Sage could get her makeup done as fast as Judy did. I am truly blessed and I know it. And yes, I’m a little spoiled, but it’s my turn – I was the oldest of 4 kids. 😉
Through all this, my favorite vacations are when we completely ‘UNPLUG’ and get away somewhere quiet. To go camping or to a cabin in the woods is a real treat for me. No internet, no TV, and no cell phones. It becomes a true refresher for me.
I still need to get out more though, so text me or tweet me and let’s meet for coffee.
Well, need to run. Oven is beeping, so chicken is done and I need to throw in some biscuits (which I do make from scratch Southern style)! Oh Yum.
Thanks for stopping by today.
Sounds like a wonderful life. I know you are very thankful!
I think soon we will find that there is a Techie Anonymous & I will find you there one night instead of chatting with me. lol
I do so love you fascination with all the new toys!