I have just been so busy. First and foremost, I have been buried in pictures. I’m taking Stacy Jullian’s Finding Photo Freedom class and learning so much. It’s a big undertaking to get my pics in order. My printed pictures weren’t in too bad of order, but still not readily scrap-accessible in a hurry. As for my digital photos, I was drowning in a sea of raw files, jpgs, web-sized jpgs, etc. I have just been soaking in the information and starting to put everything in place. I did decide to install and learn to use Adobe Lightroom. Omgoodness, the best $$$ I’ve spent for pictures. I still don’t know much about how to use it to start making edits for my photos, but just the awesome photo organization is worth it to me.
My coffee table was covered in pictures as I sorted. They are now in nice piles and I’m taking the time to organize them in my binders and photo boxes so I can get back to scrapping.
My digital files are now all organized and I’m in the process of purging (so long overdue) as well as rating and keywording. I’ll be uploading photos to print soon. Where are your favorite places to have your photos printed?
In the midst of this, my little baby turned 18. I can’t believe it. I have a young adult!
So, I just wanted to take a minute and check in. I’ll be sharing more soon. This week I’ll share with you some pictures from an awesome weekend with some gal pals when we attended a class taught by Donna Downey. She is an amazing teacher and I came away so inspired to paint and play. Check back later this week for those fun pictures.
Thanks for stopping by today and thank you mostly for sticking with me, even when I don’t post for WEEKS! 🙂
So good to see you post! I understand the digital photo dilema as I have the same problem. Someday! Happy Birthday to your daughter!