Happy Happy Thanksgiving, everyone.
I know I am thankful for my family and my friends. My family is so supportive of the time and expenses I put into my hobbies. I’m thankful that my parents are still with me and that I was able to celebrate today with my parents and two of my siblings and their immediate families. Jesse, we missed you, Becka, and the boys and I’m so jealous that you were able to watch the Macy’s parade in person.
I am thankful that I have the freedom to express myself not only through my crafts, but on the world wide web through my blog. I am thankful for my steadfast friends who I can crop with and share my life; I’m thankful for all the older friends from my past that I am able to reconnect with through avenues such as Facebook, and I’m thankful for the inspiration and support I receive from the new friends I am making here through my blog and others I follow.
Have a great weekend.
Thanks for taking the time to stop by. Please say Hi while you are here.
What I gain from blog hopping is:
Renewed enthusiasm about paper crafting; ideas for future creations; encouragement; and being amazed at how creative people can be. You Cheryl – have inspired me! Love you bunches!! Pamela
Thanks so much for the “turkey recipe” you sent me via e-mail.
Glad you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We had 20 here at the house on Thursday and then a family reunion of about 45 at the Sugar Shack. Pics are posted on my FaceBook page.
Can’t wait to see you at the Tampa Scrapbook Expo this weekend!
Hi! 🙂
I am thankful that we can have wine “together” via video chat. Who would have thought that 12 years ago when I was so sad to leave you?????
Hope that you are enjoying time with your family. Please tell your parent’s I said “hello” & love to Joly & Sage.