My daughter, Sage, got these cute little panda charms for her birthday. However, she wanted them turned into earrings. I’ve been growing a little stash of jewelry supplies (even though I can’t seem to figure out what to make with them). So, I pulled out my stash and my little pliers and got to work.
I took off the little lobster claw…and, of course, added those back to my supply stash.
I added one link and an earring hook.
Aren’t they just a cute pair?
Sage was then in such a rush to wear them to work, I almost didn’t get a picture of her wearing them. But, here is a quick picture she finally agreed to stand still for.
It didn’t take but a few minutes to make these and they definitely weren’t super creative, but, Sage loved them and I was Wonder Mom (for a few minutes, anyhow).
super cute…and a fabulous photo.
Thank you, Nancy.
Thank you, Jackie. I keep trying to get her to teach me how to pose and smile so that those dimples show just right.
She’s so photogenic even in a rushed picture!