If you haven’t heard yet, there is a new update available for your Gypsy and the Imagine. These will also require a new update to your Cricut Sync software. The great thing is that if you do not have the Imagine, you can choose NOT to install those parts of the update.
To learn more details about the update and directions, please click HERE. This will take you to the Provo Craft Community where where Chris has provided the steps to expect with the updates.
For my Gypsy class students, you should all be updated to just prior to this point, so you will just need to plug in your Gypsy and run your Cricut Sync software and follow the on-screen directions. Remember to exit your program(s) on your Gypsy so that you are on the start screen and you may also need to turn off your Virus scanner while updating. Cricut Sync will ask you to update the Cricut Sync software first. Say yes and replace the previous version. Don’t walk away for too long while updating as there will be times you need to restart your machine(s). Don’t do anything else while updating just to protect yourself if you turn that off, and it may even help the update run a little quicker. This update will take a while, especially if you are also doing the Imagine updates for the Gypsy.
It took about 40 minutes or so to update the first part without the Imagine updates. With the Imagine updates on the Gypsy, it took me at least another hour. I had one hang-up when it got stuck on 100% complete, but wouldn’t finish. I left it that way for a long time and finally just stopped the update and reran the Cricut Sync. It then finished updating the Imagine part of the Gypsy update.
I also updated my Imagine with no problems with the update itself. I plugged my Imagine up to my laptop and ran Cricut Sync again. It did hog a lot of my CPU while updating and slowed down other things I was trying to do at the same time. Again, don’t do anything else on the computer if you don’t need to. (I needed to be). After the Imagine was updated, I followed the directions provided on the same message board as above for syncing my Imagine Cartridges with my Gypsy. These took quite a bit of time as well, but went very smoothly following the directions found HERE.
Now, I get to play around with it some and see what it can do. I am still disappointed that we can’t weld with our Gypsy different images and then cut on the Imagine. Even if we could weld regular cartridge images and cut with the Imagine, I would be happier. I would understand that we can’t weld and alter some of the Imagine images, but the regular ones???? Hopefully, they will find a way to resolve this soon. I’m sure they are working on a solution.
If you are one of my students and have any issues updating, please let me know before our next Gypsy class. I can meet you if needed to try and resolve any issues beforehand.
Thanks for stopping by,
Glad you had a fab birthday and lovely presents too
Sending you greetings from the UK