Sassy Lil’ Sketches, Dirty Scraps, & ScrapFIT are excited to
join forces to bring you a mini-blog hop challenge for your enjoyment!
At each of the 3 challenge blogs, you will get a requirement for your layout.
Start at Sassy Lil Sketches!
I do hope that I get to participate with this challenge this weekend. Unfortunately, it ends tomorrow, so
go now.
My week here has been quite hectic and I haven’t been able to craft anything all week. I posted my Tuesday Treat at midnight Monday night and that’s about as crafty as I’ve been. My daughter had her wisdom teeth removed on Tuesday (she is doing great, and thank you for all the well wishes sent her way). In addition, my ‘paying job’ work has been overtime much of this week. I type radiology reports for a local hospital and they have been busy busy with patients. We definitely have a ‘snow bird’ season here. I worked over 13 hours yesterday! 🙁 My MOJO is a little fizzled right now. I hope that I can clean up and organize some in my craft room today and find that inspiration again.
In the meantime, go to Sassy Lil’ Sketches and start hoppin’. Check out what the other girls have done so far and leave them some love. It’s an amazing collection of crafty gals.
Thanks for stopping by today.
I’m at work but would love to do a challenge like this…. hoepefully in the future I could jump on a challenge like this…. SOUNDS FUN!