It seems every time we take a little vacation, it’s more work catching up than it took to get ready. I’m still trying to catch up from my recent trip to Maine.
I had a most wonderful time visiting my friend, Katie. I was so excited to be there for her birthday party, celebrate with her, and spend some time with her again. She had the BEST birthday party. It was a carnival theme and all the adults even went on a digital scavenger hunt. Now I want to throw a party.
While visiting, she was also able to take some time off from work and we had some great girl time. We did some sightseeing and even made time to go for mani/pedis. We went antiquing a little and visited some quaint little towns and even toured a supposed haunted house. She took me to some local favorite diners and I ate my way through Maine. I had Lobster Chowder, Lobster Stew, Lobster Roll, Lobster Pie and lots of other great food. I took my camera everywhere and had fun playing with different setttings.
I do hope to share some pictures soon, though most will probably be in the form of layouts.
However, since returning home, it has been work and family and trying to do things around the house. My dh installed some beautiful (faux) wood blinds in my studio this weekend; what should have taken 15 minutes took us over 4 hours. My windows are framed in with concrete block and then we didn’t tie the knots correctly when shortening the blinds so we had to take them back down and rethread them. Totally knocked out my major scrapping plans for the day and his plans as well, but thank you, dear, for finishing it. My room looks so much neater and brighter.
So, I just wanted to drop in and say “Hey Y’all” as well as wish my friend, Sheila, a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY.
I’ll be back to posting soon. Thanks for hanging in there and checking on me and thanks for stopping by.
Oh, Cheryl!!! I definitely understand, I’m still trying to get myself together and caught up from my vacation earlier this month!!!
Glad to hear you’re enjoying your vacation though!
Thank you!! I can’t wait to see what your create with all those wonderful vacation pics!
i have vacationitis because you are gone! lol