A New Year and New Blogs. I’ve got a few friends and online pals starting some new blogs, so stay tuned because I think you will start seeing more exciting things.
One of these is from a gal many of you may recognize as Pinky. She has started Dirty Scraps. The name may sound a little risque, but it’s about scrapping the bad with the good. Many of us fall into the trap that we should only preserve our good memories or our fun times. Unfortunately, life isn’t always good to us and sometimes we have some bad. I do think it will be just as important to scrap those things also and that is part of my New Year’s goals; to scrap the ‘everyday’. Some of this will push me and my comfort zone, but that will be good. Those of you that know me know that I love a challenge.
So, her first challenge was to scrap a peeve and how you’ve learned from it. Here is mine! Click on any of the pics for a closer look at the details.
The journaling reads: “Don’t judge me. (-) It really bothers me when people try to judge me before they know me. Whether they judge me based on what I look like, what I wear, what they’ve heard through a rumor mill, or where I live. I have faced this judgemental attitude my entire life. It has hurt my feelings as well as my childhood and marriage. (+) Nevertheless, it taught me to look for the good in people and try not to make a rash decision about someone until I took the time to get to know them. The journaling was handwritten with a Copic Spica pen in Lipstick. That little bit of shimmer to all the distress on the page really set it off and finished it for me. I wish it would photograph better.
I encourage you to step out of your comfort zone and think about what ares your peeve and how have you grown from them. If you participate with this challenge, share it on the Dirty Scraps blog before January 24th.
Thanks for stopping by today. I would love to hear what you think about my take on scrapping out of my comfort zone.
Wow, this is beautiful! I just love your journaling and how you just put what most people feel out there. All your little details on this LO really set it off!
This is a good layout, I really love it!
Cheryl-being judged males up sensitive to judging others. Beautiful layout and beautiful picture!
Fantastic LO!
Great colors and I love the whole topic because it is so true!
Love your layout and all the little details. You take a gorgoues picture! Hugs, Mandee
perfect! You did a stunning job on this challenge!
OMG Cheryl..I absolutely ADORE your layout girl and damn isn’t that the truth…LOVE it girl 🙂
awesome job with the challenge. your page is gorgeous
This is a stunning, provocative layout! Not only is it a true piece of you, but it is wonderfully creative and pretty.
Beautiful and well-written! This is the first time I’ve left a comment, but I love looking at your blog dear cousin!
Aww, Pam. You make me want to cry. I miss you and love you too.
Thank you all for the comments. It is scary to put your journaling out there and pictures of yourself. But it is kind of liberating too. 🙂
I love it. The picture is great too 🙂 I really need to work on my journaling. It scares me to do it. That will be one of my goals.
Love your page Cheryl. I remember the first time I met you and was quite impressed. Not only your beauty was impressive, but your vibrant personality! I’ve been a fan ever since. Love you girl! Pamela
This is awesome! I love the barbwire mask too and how you did the words judge and taught! Really neat trick.
Love the layout and all the little details to it!!
Oh that is too cool Cheryl! Love the barbed mask too!!!!!! Your so right!