2011 has been a busy and life-changing year for me and I cannot even imagine how fabulous 2012 is going to be. I can share with you now that I have been busy busy busy setting things in place to make 2012 a promising and exciting year for me. Here is a picture of my studio desk today. Huge mess there, but I’m learning to embrace it because that’s just the way I seem to work. I’m working on a mini-album class that I will be teaching. You’ll see that I do watch Hulu while I work or I Skype a lot while in my studio. IPod gets going when I’m really in a groove, but when I’m just creating something new, I watch TV. I’m currently getting caught up on Merlin series.
When I think back on the events that began changing my life this year, I realize that I am truly blessed. Last year I attended my first CHA event in Chicago. It was there that I was inspired to take my passion and make it my career. At that time, I was hoping that I could be a full-time designer in 18-24 months. Well, I can share with you now that I am going to be able to make my dream come true so much earlier than I first thought. When I leave to attend Winter CHA next month, I will be attending as a full-time designer. I will be leaving a job I’ve had for over 12 years to take a chance doing something I truly love. After CHA, I will be traveling and teaching, so I hope to meet many of my internet friends in person. I also will make my blog a greater priority and have more time to update it as well as schedule time to visit with you online too.
Next month, I’ll be attending CHA as a CHA Designer Member under my own business name. I have also decided to break out of my comfort zone and participate with the Designer Showcase at CHA. I’ll be displaying samples of my work for everyone to see. Eeeekk….. Really not sure exactly what I’m doing yet, but I believe that sometimes you just stick your neck out there. (my neck is so stretched right now…LOL )
So, I’m quite busy trying to meet deadlines for CHA projects and get my own design career off the ground. I’m designing classes and making time to play with my art. Here is a little sneaky peek of one of my submitted projects soon to be published. And that blurring is on purpose,though you’ll be able to see the whole project soon.
2012 is going to be an awesome year. Are you making plans to make it fabulous for you too?
Happy New Year, my friends.
Cheryl – I just rec’d a Big Shot for Christmas and found your YouTube video for making a cover for it. Thanks so much. Your directions are super and look easy and fun. Sending virtual best wises your way for 2012…may ALL your dreams come true.
Linda in SC
WoW! You are so brave! Good luck to you in 2012 and beyond!
oh, Cheryl, my beautiful friend!!! How exciting this all sounds, I’d be terrified to step outside my comfort zone like that, so I am truly-truly so proud of you!!! I won’t say good luck because you’re blessed, and good and amazing things will just continue to keep coming your way!!!
I will say have fun and enjoy it all; I’ll be peeking aroumd corners watching you progress my friend!!!
Hugs to you, and the wonderful 2012 you’re going to relish in!!!
So excited for you!!!!! Best of luck!
That’s so exciting Cheryl! Good for you jumping feet first into something you are truly passionate about – I am rooting for you (with my pearl bracelet and all) 🙂
So proud of you! You go girl, knew it would happen! Can’t believe how that room looks!!!
Cheryl – I am so extremely proud of you! I can’t wait to see what comes your way next! I so hope to be able to one day do the same – take a desire and make it happen. Blessings to you my friend!
Good for you!!!! I knew you could do it.