I am so very deeply honored. Today, three amazingly talented blogger friends bestowed upon me The Beautiful Blogger Award. I cannot express how humbled and truly touched I am to receive this from these three women and all in one day.
Early this morning I first received this award from Beth Moore at Runs With Scraps. I’ve been a follower of hers for a few weeks and met her on the Cricut MB. I have a little story for you that she doesn’t even know about…yet. When I first saw her name on the Cricut MB, I thought “Oh my friend is finally checking out the message boards”. I have a close friend here whose name is also Beth Moore. Some of you may know of a famous author and Bible Study teacher named Beth Moore. My Beth is not that Beth. My Beth does teach Bible studies and her husband is pastor of a local church and we have been friends here for many years. So, we all joke around here all the time that she is not THE Beth Moore just Beth Moore. When I found Beth Moore on the Cricut MB site and realized she wasn’t my Beth Moore, I still checked out her fabulous blog and then shared it with my group of scrappin’ pals here. Now we have the OTHER Beth Moore. (OK, long and boring, but my friends get it). Nevertheless, I was not disappointed at all, because this OTHER Beth Moore is also a very talented crafter and creates some amazing work. I would be honored to scrap with her too and call her “friend”. Thank you so much, Beth. I enjoyed reading the notes about you as I got to learn just a little more about you. I am truly honored to be chosen as one of your blog award recipients.
Later this morning, I received the same award from Cindy McVey. Cindy is a super –talented woman who is Crazy for Crafting. She creates beautiful crafts with simple pieces of paper. She also has a very giving spirit and offers her expertise willingly, graciously, and freely. She is always encouraging on blog comments and on message board comments. She offers tutorials on crafting and Photoshop. She’s also an avid fan of Disney World, so I’m thinking she isn’t too far away from me and that maybe we can actually meet one day! Wouldn’t that be awesome? I’m imagining a great Crafting Bloggers Convention!!!!
And finally, Pam aka The BugBytes sent me this award as well. Anyone in the Cricut and Gypsy world knows this gal. Pam is so incredibly smart and generous with her time and knowledge. She spends so much time learning how to really use that Gypsy and she knowsher computer stuff. I love reading about her blog information as well. She has all kinds of tips and tricks up her sleeve. She is so very sweet. And on top of that, she is an incredibly talented artist. She crafts and paints and creates wonderful Gypsy designs. What an honor to receive this from Pam also.
To receive this award, I am supposed to list 7 things about myself, so here goes:
1) I am a native Floridian. Born and raised in the muck of central south Florida where the land is so flat you can see for miles and miles except during the height of sugar cane season when the cane is so tall! I am the oldest of 4 children. Both of my parents are still living in my hometown. My sister owns a skydiving business and me and my mom are the only ones in my birth family who haven’t gone skydiving.
Even though a native Floridian, I’d love to move somewhere to experience seasons. I have a fair complexion, burn easily, and hate the beach and heat.
2) I work from home. Most of the time, this is truly a blessing. Sometimes, it isn’t. When I’m working, I am plugged into my computer and a Dictaphone. I type Radiology reports for a local hospital. When I am working, I can’t just stop in the middle of a report and take a break as easy as some may think. We have a short Turn-Around-Time and doctors and patients are depending upon our reports. So, for the most part, when I’m working, I’m working nonstop until done. The upside is that I have put in the years to have a really great schedule right now and I can work in pajamas or yoga pants! The downside is that I don’t get out as much as I would like to and/or socialize as much as I would like to. I also don’t dress up as much as I would like either. Because I listen to people talk all day long, I really like/need a little peace and quiet when I’m done for the day.
3) I LOVE a good cup of coffee (or three) in the morning and sometimes a good glass of wine(or two) in the evening.
4) I ALWAYS overcook. Growing up cooking for at least 6 people, usually more, because someone was always over, I still can’t cook for just 2 or 3. I never want anyone to be hungry in my house so I always plan extra. When I do have a nice family dinner or friends come over for brunch, I love to go all out and really ‘set’ the table with all the china and linens.
5) I am a gadget addict. Anyone who has been in my kitchen or my scraproom knows this as an ultimate FACT. Enough said.
6) I homeschooled our daughter all the way to college. She is now 16 and taking college classes here locally. I also served on our state homeschool board for many years and loved it. I met many interesting people and had the chance to travel across the state and country speaking about homeschooling and meeting other parents with a passion for teaching our own children.
7) I love being creative. Whether it is scrapbooking, cardmaking, stamping, and even quilting. I have more “wish to do” projects than I will ever be able to complete.
*8) as a bonus – sometimes I’m very wordy (I told you I need to socialize more). 🙂
Whew! So now you know a little about me whether you wanted to or not.
Now, to give this to 14 other bloggers that either I follow or who follow me! There are so many great blogs – I could have listed 40 with more time. I love blog surfing and reading others blogs. I find encouragement and inspiration on all of these.
Jeannie @ http://aplaceformycards.blogspot.com/
Katie @ http://scissorsspatulasandsneakers.blogspot.com/
Pam @ http://pamiekscreativekorner.blogspot.com/
Redmom @ http://redmomscraps.blogspot.com/
Sandy @ http://afiestyredhead.blogspot.com/
Christina @ http://www.creationswithchristina.com/
Jackie @ http://mybasketofscraps.blogspot.com/
Martine @ http://scrapcatslove.blogspot.com/
Kendra @ http://scrappincricut.blogspot.com/
Britten @ http://twoatatimedesign.blogspot.com/
Nicole @ http://weremakinmemorieshere.blogspot.com/
Nikkigirl @ http://mypolarexpressions.blogspot.com/
Gail @ http://stkittsscrapper.blogspot.com/
Joanna @ http://scrap-making.blogspot.com/
Stop by and visit these wonderful blogs and tell them I said “Hi”
Thank you all for your continued support. Thank you to all the wonderfully sweet and encouraging comments that are left. I also wanted to take a quick moment and say “Welcome” to all my new followers. Please let me know if there is anything you’d like to see more of.
Thanks for stopping by again today.
Hugs to you all,
what a nice surprise! thanks so much for the award! I enjoyed reading about you too! thanks again!! 🙂
what a nice surprise! thanks so much for the award! I enjoyed reading about you too! thanks again!! 🙂
Awe what a great way to end my day!!! Thank you for bringing a smile to my tired worn out face! LOL
Thanks for the award. I enjoy blog hopping. See you on the mb.
Thanks again, Cheryl 😉
Thank you so much for this award! I’m so excited about it! :)…its nice to know more about you!
Cher, Learning more about you…as well as hearing your little story about “Beth Moore” was great fun. I bet your Beth Moore gets confused with The Beth Moore as often as I do! Grin! I’ve even had people in my own hometown (and it’s VERY small) ask me if I am THE Beth Moore (well, okay, only the two or three people in this town that don’t actually know me.) Still, I am sometimes tempted to ask them if they REALLY think I would choose to live HERE if I were THE Beth Moore… lol… but I am always gracious instead… on behalf of THE Beth Moore… well, that and I don’t want anyone to slap me… LOL… anyhow, thank you for sharing yourself and for being such an inspiration to us all!!!
The OTHER Beth Moore