I enjoyed spending time in Massachusetts. After leaving The Collins Rep Show, I traveled over to Kept Creations in Whitman. Kim is a wonderful host and has a wonderful group of customers. I taught two different classes there – Crazy Eights and Finding Freedom and we were laughing during both!! I look forward to returning to Kept Creations. After teaching, two dear friends came to spend the day with me
Where Have Glinda and I Been?
Glinda and I have been so busy. A little busier than I even expected. So much for my grand scheme of trying to upload videos each day. Not only have I been busy going from one place to another, but I’ve also discovered that if I’m in a location that has signal, I’m usually not in a situation to blog. When I have some downtime, I don’t have great signal
Before Lights, Camera, Action is Panic, Work, Clothes Shopping!
I am super excited to share that I’ve been invited as a guest artist for this season’s Scrapbook Soup a weekly PBS and online TV show. I’ll be featuring Artsy Made Easy segments for multiple episodes. The opportunity was presented while I was traveling and teaching on my Living the Art Life™ Tour up the East Coast. Of course, this one time, I packed smart and light. I packed driving
Camping Along the Way – First stop
“On the road again, just can’t wait to get on the road again…” I hear that song in my head every time I drive any distance now. I got a late start Monday from home and was overwhelmed by the construction and accidents along I95 through Florida. A trip that should have taken 4 hours took me over 6. Stuck in traffic for much of that. Yes, I was driving
And She’s Off in Her Vintage Trailer, Glinda, on Her Living The Art Life™ Tour
If you pass me on the road, honk your horn (nicely). In the meantime, here is a little video to share inside as I prepared to drive out. I can’t wait to see many of you in classes along this Spring 2015 Living The Art Life™ Tour. Don’t forget, if you are between Florida and Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada, and you want to come meet Glinda and take a