Thank you so much for all the so sweet Birthday wishes and for all the loving comments on my posts and on my Going Green blog hop project with Sassy Lil’ Sketches. Welcome to all my new followers / friends and thank you to all my faithful followers / friends. I have to tell you that this year’s birthday was one of the absolute best I have had in quite a while. I woke up and was given THREE pairs of beautiful earrings and a new Tassimo coffeepot from my dear family. Indivdually fresh-brewed coffee is AWESOME! My family then sent me to my play room (scrap room) for some scrap time and then they took me to dinner and the movies. We went to go see Alice. If you haven’t seen it yet, go watch it. I LOVED it. Johnny Depp is just amazingly talented.
However, I mentioned that I was going to give away Accent Essentials and some more surprise goodies. My dear daughter checked all the comments from followers and wrote them out and put them in a hat and drew a random name. The special winner is…..
Please email me at with your contact info and I’ll get your gift box in the mail.
And, Happy Birthday to ScrapbookMary today!
Thanks for stopping by today! Have a really great week.
We LOVED it too! Does Johnny Depp EVER look bad? Even with orange hair and weird makeup he looks good!
Cheryl, go peek at my blog today. I left you a surprise!
I’m so glad you had a wonderful, fantabulous day!!!
yes, nothing like fresh coffee in the morning – and earrings!!! you lucky girl 🙂 🙂
What’s even more priceless is the gift of time to be creative 🙂 How sweet 🙂 🙂
Congrats Janie!!!
Yay Cheryl ! THANK YOU SO MUCH !! I AM SO EXCITED !! WOW YOU DID HAVE A AWESOME BIRTDAY !! CELEBRATED THE WHOLE DAY THREW ! CONGRATS !! I am wanting to see that movie too !! I am glad it is good so now I can talk my little girl into watching it with me !! Thanks again for my FIRST EVER BLOG CANDY !!!